The New Sattva Leevhi Brown Alexander Korsmit Archives
NeW SheeT [WorK in ProgresS] for PalmanovA ProjecT by GrhounD OfficE for ArchitecturE InteractioN DesigN>< ArtWorK In ProgresS | PubliC SpacE | ArtworK PalmanovA DamasT SheetS for VenicE | MilaN | ItalY | 2013 | DimensionS 135 cm x 135 cm | [c] GrhounDLaB in GrhounD OfficE for ArchitecturE InteractioN DesigN | By CourtesY of Sattva Leevhi BrowN Alexander KorsmiT ArchiveS | ThE NetherlandS | 2012-2013