The New Sattva Leevhi Brown Alexander Korsmit Archives
DreaM-FotShoT in VertigO {VertigO by Anish KapooR in De PonT MuseuM TilburG | The NetherlandS}>< [L] GracianA de BernardI [Architect | Born in ArgentinA | ProfessoR Master'S DomuS DesigN AcademY MilanO | G. d. B. lives and works in AmsterdaM en TilburG | GracianA de BernardI is also connected with StudiobeesT | InteractioN and Graphic DesigN | IndustriaL ProductS | ArchitecturE and WebsitE DesignerS | [R] RebeccA Leevhi BrowN {Young PhotographeR} | [c] Sattva Leevhi BrowN Alexander KorsmiT ArchivE | CanoN PowershoT S 100 | 2012